Thursday, February 4, 2010

Jan. 26

Tuesday we spent at the church dividing up the food we brought back with us. USAID also came to the church and handed out plastic water containers and a box of laundry soap, razors, etc. They were here for 2 hours! They finally left because the crown was starting to get out of hand. But by my guess they gave to over 300 people in this community.

Leo meet up with us. He is an old friend of the family from when we used to live in Haiti. We were SO happy to see him! My dad had been trying to call him everyday sine the earthquake and he never got an answer. Come to find out, Leo’s phone was inside of his once standing house. He and his 3 kids were inside the house while it collapsed on them but they all made it outside without getting hurt. He says that he doesn’t understand why God has spared him and his family but He knows that God must have some big plans in store for them!

We have been helping Leo out with money, food and supplies. He has nothing now and is living out on the streets like so many other Haitians. Leo has been coming back to the church every day since then to help with interpretation for a group of American Doctors and nurses.

This is the day that Jenny joined our group. I also got to meet my first Haitian diabetic! The language is slowly coming back. I understand about 90% of what is being said but just can’t seem to get it right when I try and speak. The words feel funny in my mouth and I don’t want to butcher the accent and become one of ‘the Americans’.

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